alan root!

alan root on stagebusy weekend again! this time it was a real reunion of sorts. our pal alan root showed up for a couple days of outreach at the outpost we had lots of fun and lots of really great conversation. his visit wasn’t the best timed in my case because we stepped off on the renovation of the space but despite the dust and some open walls it went well. another great benefit was having mark zimmerman stop by and join us for part of the day on sunday. rose was the most excellent of hosts with a great home cooked meal. we talked for hours literally. the best i can figure its been about 11 years since we first met up and well…must good has come from it all. we ended up the day with a family concert with more than 25o very excited fans. i heard many comments and the ones from the adults equaled the youngsters…bring him back! alan has a great heart and was a huge encouragement to our ministry team as well as helping more than 35 students mark that day as the beginning of their walk with Jesus.

alan root on the big stagethe place will never be the same. once again…we’ve lifted the bar and well…the best is yet to come.