chick-a-fila and roadblocks

dana and tim schmoyer

dana and tim schmoyer

recently i spent some time with an incredible young couple, dana and tim schmoyer.  i’ve gotten to know tim over the past couple of years  through his web presence life in student ministry.  he has a regular weekly podcast and has also recently put up a cool website ministry questions that is becoming a great new connecting spot for leaders in student ministry.  tim has a great mind and equally amazing talent with an incredible heart for impacting the kingdom.  his bride dana is equally engaged in the ministry.  we metup at a local mall for some chick-a-fila after the #nymc last month.  tim invited me to particpate in the following short video blog on staying in ministry for the long term.  i’m always humbled when i get to do this stuff.  (i have to admit dana & tim reminded me alot of my and my bride melinda’s life together before kids- dana and tim are expecting their first soon.)