Rising from Ashes

an amazing story about Adrien Niyonshuti…and how he has changed the world’s perspective of his country of Rwanda.  I can’t wait for the final cut.  good article here in the WSJ

Still, there was weight upon Adrien’s lean shoulders. On his bike, he carried his home. He’d emerged from a nation torn by genocide, and his personal anguish had been unimaginable. Six of his siblings had been killed, and dozens more of his family members. As Niyonshuti began winning races, he’d been elevated as a symbol of a country trying to claw itself back. He’d visited the U.S. as part of Team Rwanda, a fledgling race team sponsored by benefactors including mountain bike pioneer Tom Ritchey. Adrien and his teammates were featured in magazines. They became the stars of a new documentary, called “Rising From Ashes.”

Rising From Ashes from T.C. Johnstone on Vimeo.