some flip video from #nymc

i love my flip.  it offers a different perspective.  the first video is from the opening session. it gives you a little sense of the energy at a gathering of this type.

this video from day two starts out with a brief clip of our hero, duffy robbins offering the morning devotion.  he had a lot of fun helping us see that real intimacy with God comes when we really understand psalm 34:8…

Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him.

duffy pointed out that the sense of taste is really the one that brings life closest to a person.  the other four senses only get you close.  he charged us to try and taste God through the day.  to pull out of the busyness of our daily journey (even when away from home at a conference).  good stuff.

the rest of the video is from the break out session with jeannie mayo entitled flip your youth group.  we had fun.  jeannie and her incredible team from the ATL pushed us to see and experience life in a healthy student ministry by putting us through some lab expereince.  from the welcoming faces and handshakes at the door to the envirnonment of the room…table setup, candy on the table and engaging table leaders…and then a great run around the columbus convention center.  there were many security guards shouting “do not run”…”please walk”  to the group of some 150 youth workers set out on a competitive 15 digital scavenger hunt.  both sessions yesterday offered pratical and encouraging ideas.  jeannie and her team used lots of engaging methods and styles to help us process her model.  one great take away was this simple thought:  simple choices eventually make big changes.  makes sense.