the playfulness of community

take 20 young men…most who don’t know each other…add to that 20 other men young and old who have worked together for 40 hours to hone a three day retreat called Chrysalis and many good Kingdom kind of things happen.  Add to that a time of simple play in God’s creation and…well…many more good things happen.  There isn’t much in the Gospels about Jesus laughing or his sense of humor but I can’t imagine there were times when he was hanging with the disciples…that there was some fun… just look at creation and you get a sense really quick.  So after a solid 9 hours of leaning into a deeper understanding of place in God’s story on day one of a three day journey…we took a break…and played.  enjoy some of the fun…(special thanks to casey for the camera angle and the rest of the young men for the fun!)

sleddding from nhloud video messages and media on Vimeo.