W on W…how he makes decisions…

sorry for the silence here…just busy.  lots afoot. but one thing that just came across twitter wasbush in mfd rudy’s tweet pointing out an old friend at national review, jay nordlinger and his impromptu column. last week jay and some other pals from nr spent some time with president bush in the oval office.  there’s a lot of interesting stuff here and well worth the time of any citizen to ponder over a cup of coffee.  here’s one little clip…

“I’m comfortable that I have made principled decisions for eight years — that I was unwilling to sacrifice those principles for the sake of short-term approbation, approval, or whatever you want to call it. It was in this room that a prominent member of my political party said, ‘You must remove troops from Iraq, because it could cost us elections if you don’t.’ And it was in this room that I looked at him and said, ‘You must not understand George W. Bush, because I understand that success in Iraq is necessary for the long-term security of America, and therefore I will make decisions based upon victory in Iraq, not victory in the polls.’”

go check it out yourself. well worth the time. picture above is from when president bush visited mansfield in the fall of ’04.   jed, em and i were guests in the audience…on stage with 43 is a great-hearted local entrepreneur, grant milliron.