Its been a couple of very good days for The Locust Effect by Gary Haugen and Victor Boustros. Many good interviews on and this one on the Huffington Post. Many amazing stories about the brokenness of public justice systems… …in…

Its been a couple of very good days for The Locust Effect by Gary Haugen and Victor Boustros. Many good interviews on and this one on the Huffington Post. Many amazing stories about the brokenness of public justice systems… …in…
Today is the release day of The Locust Effect – Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence written by Gary Haugen. Gary is the founder of International Justice Mission, a NGO that is focused on securing rescue…
This morning had another opportunity to share on Moody Radio Cleveland in a conversation with Mark Zimmerman on practical things somebody living in Ohio can do to impact the plight of 27 million people caught in modern day slavery. You…