one part of my vocational calling is helping to connect people to larger purposes. one of the tools that i use to leverage that is a church management program called CCB…(Church Community Builder). so grateful for my friend Steve Caton…

one part of my vocational calling is helping to connect people to larger purposes. one of the tools that i use to leverage that is a church management program called CCB…(Church Community Builder). so grateful for my friend Steve Caton…
So…an amazing guy i follow on social media, Casey Neistat is a genius at making a difference…and this is just an amazing example! And what’s even more crazy is where he ended in Tacloban, a local Kingdom Ally Kevin Smith…
Perhaps C.S. Lewis knew something about the character of the simple mouse. Here’s some of my favorite lines from Reepicheep in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader… Unhand the tail. Aslan the Great gave me this tail and no…