crowder creativity

i love david crowder’s heart and passion.  i’ve followed his journey…there is so much talent in one guy.  creativity is a gift to him.  he has the ability to draw you in…no matter where you are in your life journey.  a few years ago (confession) i crashed by one of the big youth workers events and enjoyed he was the opening band.  simply amazing.  i love how he can take a simple idea and amp it up.  you can follow him on his xanga here

One thought on “crowder creativity

  1. Kezrush

    Me like-e!

    I’ve been dreaming away I can bring Daft Punk into our service. I think I might have just came up with a way.

    You should look at my friend Lee Klopfenstein on facebook. He has a video that me made similar to that one with multiple video tracks. Very cook