there’s alot to write about. much good work is taking place on a number of fronts. hence my silence here. most recently is a series of meetings with some great heart students and adult about a community event that could have a huge impact for the Kingdom. Its been a huge blessing to cast a vision with these folks and then to step back and watch. the momentuem for this was birthed out of the community’s participation in one service last month. several conversations with some local adults and “happening” upon an ad about fields of faith has created a forward momentuem of growing a Kingdom presence that hasn’t really been seen before. tonite was the third meeting in the past 10 days. many new faces that truly added to the desired outcome. there’s about 53 days til this event. it will be interesting to see what ultimately happens in Redbird stadium on the 8th of October. This much i know…God will show up. I’m learning alot about myself in this whole process too. Leadership is always about the learning. The stretch is to shape a common vision and then release it to see how it will be implemented and even improved on. like tonite as we planned one of the students realized that SYATP is 2 weeks before…and that it would be useful to gather students for a presence at their flagpole. interesting note…they’ve never done that before here. so the whole conversation moves to a new level. one of the adults came up to me tonite and shared how they are just blown away by where a small desire can move to if you allow God to shape it. stay tuned. check back here as we continue to plan like it depends on us and pray like it depends on God.
on a more fun note…i picked the elderberries last night and rose and i stemmed them today…actually got 12 pts put up last nite and another 13 today. that work always means summer is wrapping up. and btw the house smells great as rose is cooking down her home grown tomatoes.
last night at dinner we had our eats from that good effort…freshly picked lettuce, tomatoes and green beans. Really love this time of year when we get blessed with rose’s green thumb.