Moms on simplicity and solitude adminMay 10, 2008 family blessings, tMobile post sent by samwise using Utterz. Replies. Share this:TwitterEmailFacebook ← a great reminder…God is with us craWford → One thought on “Moms on simplicity and solitude” Kez May 12, 2008 at 10:01 am I know I shouldn’t be a party pooper, but I have found that videos hosted on Utterz are very choppy unless you have a really could internet connection.
Kez May 12, 2008 at 10:01 am I know I shouldn’t be a party pooper, but I have found that videos hosted on Utterz are very choppy unless you have a really could internet connection.
I know I shouldn’t be a party pooper, but I have found that videos hosted on Utterz are very choppy unless you have a really could internet connection.