the outpost won…we’re hosting the catalyst road trip

vanagon.jpgjust got a call from charles, our lead guy. he just got off the phone with the catalyst road trip team. they’re coming to ltown! cool stuff. kinda of funny because we were in the mix with the big cities, but our folks pounded the keys often enough that we got their attention. still work on the date…mid may…but should be fun. here’s from their blog…

Viewer’s Choice Contest Update – THE WINNING CITY IS…

Loudonville, OH!

winner.jpgThat’s right, the Catalyst Road Trip team is heading back to Ohio, but this time a little further north, to visit Pastor Charles Hill and the email happy crew of New Hope Community Church. We’d be remiss if we did not give a quick shout out to the gang in Portland, OR and Washington, D.C. who also expressed serious interest in having a visit from the Catalyst Vanagon and company.